Artwork Documentation

Documenting your original physical artwork is the best long-term investment you can make in your art practice. It is the primary way your art practice will be viewed long term and is the backbone of your archive. So, it's just so important to have it done correctly because bad documentation will equal bad looking artwork. How it is documented and colour corrected will determine everything from how it is reproduced in print publications to how it is viewed online. Having your artwork documented professionally can be the difference between successful grant applications or securing exhibitions or being passed over and rejected, as it will be the first thing that curators, writers, or grant panels will see of your work. Carmel will professionally photograph/ document and colour correct your artwork, for all reproduction and online purposes. For the cost of $55 per artwork, you will get your money’s worth of documentation and a low resolution file for social media, art prize applications and your website. More importantly, documentation of performance-based artwork, temporary site-specific sculpture, non-permanent work, etc, is all that is left after the event and the only thing that survives as a record.

See below for a few examples of my photographic artwork documentation service.

For all enquiries, terms and conditions please email or call 0425 755233

Jack Caldow

Jen Davies